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Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Prism of Torah Archive





Parshas Vayikra

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Getting into Pesach Mode

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Life Is Like Shopping at a ​Supermarket

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Creating an Atmosphere of ​Simcha

Parshas Tzav

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Unveiling the Secrets of ​Survival

Parshas Shemini

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When Failure Fuels Faith

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Between Pure & Impure

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Practice is Perfect

Parshas Tazriya

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Create a Shower of ​Abundance

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How much of an 'Adam' ​are you

Parshas Metzora

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How Belief Shapes Our ​Destiny

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The Master Remedy for All ​Cures

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Death & Life in the Hands ​of the Tongue

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Lashon Hara Hurts Your ​Skin

Parshas Acharei Mos

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Counting to Clarity

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Break the Root(ine) of Our ​Downfall

Parshas Kedoshim

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Eat Your Way to Emunah

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How to Be a Holy Jew

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Relationships with ​Everyone

Parshas Emor

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The Grizzly Bear's Guide to ​Kedusha

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Maximizing Enjoyment in ​This World

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Keeping Our Eyes on the ​Prize

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Perfecting Imperfections

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Wheat, Miracles, and ​Meaning

Parshas Behar

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You Are Where You Are

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The Security Situation

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Bitachon in Hashem

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The Million Dollar ​Question

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Emotional Wealth, ​Financial Health

Parshas Bechukosai

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The Real Purpose of Life

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Why Ask Why?

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The Solution to Global ​Stability

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