Discover the Prism of Torah

Discover the Prism of Torah

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

The Book







by Rabbi Asaf Aharon Prisman

Engaging Divrei Torah Packed with Stories and Practical Insights on the Parashah and Chagim


Rabbi Asher Weiss: “This work is replete with pearls of wisdom and profound ideas that will ​undoubtedly strengthen the reader's devotion to serving Hashem.”

Rabbi Elimelech Kornfeld: “Practical tools that will facilitate our spiritual growth.”

Rabbi Avishai David: Explaining to our generation... contemporary concepts [in] language familiar ​to our world...”

Rabbi Baruch Taub: “The thinking reader can travel this spiritual journey, enhancing life with ​purpose week by week.”

Rabbi Tzvi HaKohen Davidovitch: “We have witnessed his clear, upright thinking and heard his ​illuminating, wisdom-imparting sermons. It is fitting he publishes his ideas for those who thirst for ​Hashem's word.”

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The Book - Prism of Torah

Rabbi Asaf Aharon Prisman is proud to present his new sefer, Shomer Hapardes/Prism of Torah, a collection of inspiring divrei ​Torah on the weekly parashah and Jewish holidays. This work is the culmination of seven years of learning, teaching, and personal ​growth, transformed from a popular podcast series into a volume designed to uplift the reader's Shabbos and infuse their lives ​with meaning.

A Unique Three-Part Structure

Each section of the book focuses on a parashah and features:

A central idea explored in depth, ​drawing from Chazal, Rishonim, and ​Acharonim

Practical ethical and moral lessons to ​actualize the message

Engaging stories that illustrate the ​Torah's values and hashkafah

This thoughtful three-pronged approach creates an elevated progression through the foundations of Torah thought.

Accessible and Engaging for All

With its clear questions, profound ideas, down-to-earth applications and powerful ​stories, Prism of Torah makes complex Torah concepts approachable for the ​contemporary reader. The work features:

  • Opening questions that draw the reader in
  • Nuggets of wisdom captured in sidebar quotes
  • Content designed to spark meaningful Shabbos table discussions
  • An eloquent and relatable English writing style

No matter your background, you will find relevant insights to enrich your spiritual ​journey.

A Labor of Love

Prism of Torah began as a passion project, a weekly podcast aimed at spreading the light of Torah far and wide. With ​the help of friends, supporters, and the skilled writing and editing of Rabbi Stolbach, Rabbi Prisman has refined this ​material into a beautiful volume for the English-speaking public.

"My prayer is that this sefer will inject spirituality into the lives of ​Jews worldwide, enhancing their Shabbos and strengthening their ​yiras Shamayim and Jewish pride. I am filled with gratitude to the ​Ribbono Shel Olam for the opportunity to share His Torah as a small ​contribution toward the spiritual elevation of Klal Yisrael."

- Rabbi Asaf Aharon Prisman

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