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Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Prism of Torah Archive


Rosh Hashanah

Sefiras Haomer

Yom Kippur






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A Yid's View of a Negative ​Experience

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Idea Behind Matzah

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It's Worth Taking ​Responsibility

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Passover The Torch of ​Emunah

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Surfing the Wave of ​Emunah at the Right Time

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The Best Investment for ​Leil Seder

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The Duality of Matzah

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What Does Hashem Want ​from Us?

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Getting Rid of the Mitzri in ​Us

Shvei Shel Pesach

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Boosting Your Emunah

Sefiras HaOmer

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The Avodah of the Omer

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Isolation: A Tool for ​Contemplation

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Count Up, Level Up

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Stars in Your Eyes

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Path to the Torah

Lag Baomer

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Beyond the Cave


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You're Not an Angel

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Human Sacrifice

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Once-a-Year Opportunity

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Na'aseh V'Nishma

Bein HaMetzarim

The 3 Weeks of Mourning

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Importance of Being Part ​of a Community

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Reflecting on the 17th of ​Tammuz

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The Ultimate Test in Life

Tisha B’Av

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Missing the Mark on Tisha ​B'Av

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From Destruction to ​Reconstruction

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Transforming Tears into ​Growth

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Getting into the Tisha B'Av ​Mindset

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Restoring Clarity Through ​Tisha B'Av


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Show Mercy, Get Mercy

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Inside-Out Teshuvah

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Achas Sha'alti Me'eis ​Hashem

Rosh Hashanah

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Job Security

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The Two Hats of Rosh ​Hashanah

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Food for the Heart and ​Soul

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Mentally Preparing

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Maximizing in the Best ​Way

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Requesting the Right Way

Yom Kippur

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Missing the Mark in ​Mitzvos

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Peeling Back the Layers

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Life's Elevator Journey

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Shortcut to Teshuvah

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The Path to Teshuvah ​Excellence


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Elevating the Physical

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Zman Simchaseinu

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From Materialism to ​Spirituality

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Sukkos in the Clouds

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Candies of Change

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Bent but Not Broken

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Going Beyond Nature

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Making the Most of Our ​Hours

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True Happiness

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Uniqueness of Sukkos

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The Higher House

Hoshana Rabbah

Simchas Torah

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A Day of Awe and Ahavah

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A Once-a-Year Spiritual ​Opportunity


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A Powerful Hidden ​Message

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Exploring the True ​Meaning of Chanukah

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Discovering the Inner ​Beauty of Chanukah

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Uprooting the Greek in ​You

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What Chanukah Is Really ​About

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Going the Extra Mile

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Menorahs and Mezuzahs

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Oil Your Potential

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Exploring the Essence


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Emunah & Bitachon

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Having the Right ​Perspective on Life

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Unveiling the Essence

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Purim's Pint of Perspective

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Messages We Ignore

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The Power Behind

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When Life Throws You a ​Curveball, Trust the Pitcher

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