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Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Prism of Torah Archive

Parshas Shemos

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Little Things Count

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Living with Meaning

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When Did You Last Check ​Your Brakes?

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No Brain, No Gain

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The Secret to Success

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The True Secret Weapon

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Emunah & Bitachon

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Living Up Life

Parshas Vaera

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Decoding the Ten Makkos

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Having the Right ​Perspective

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How Big of a Person Are ​You?

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The Essence of a Yid

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Your Will of Protection

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Don't Just Think Emunah, ​Live Bitachon

Parshas Bo

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Our Responsibilities as ​Hashem's Ambassadors

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To Do What Is Really Right

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Be All That You Can Be

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Respect and Being ​Respected

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The Exact Orchestra

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Proud to Be a Jew

Parshas Beshalach

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Hakaras Hatov

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Deflecting Challenges

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Emunah and Bitachon

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How Much Do We Really ​Believe?

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Faith Can Move Mountains

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The Purpose of Prayer

Parshas Yisro

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The Importance of Achdus

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Listen, Internalize, Act or ​Else

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The Secret Recipe for Unity

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Taking the First Step

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Stress-Free Journey of Life

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Having the Right ​Perspective on Life

Parshas Mishpatim

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The Way to Do Chessed

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A Blessing in Disguise

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Being Extra Sensitive

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What's Important in Life

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Continuous Growth

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Listen, Drink & Be Merry

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Balancing Act

Parshas Terumah

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Elevate & Activate

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Giving Is Getting

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Optical Illusion of Giving

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Renovations for the ​Shechina

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Supporting the Supporter

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True Mesirus Nefesh

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What Is Important in ​Hashem's Eyes

Parshas Tetzaveh

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Impact Your Destiny

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Knock, Knock, Who's ​There?

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When Absence Speaks ​Volumes

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The Best Way to Live Life

Parshas Ki Sisa

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Snakes & Sinks

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Being Wise in the Heart

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Honesty Is the Best Policy

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Always for the Best

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The Halftime Show

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What Separates the Men & ​Boys

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Today, Tomorrow, the Chicago ​Bulls, and the Golden Calf

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Our Reality vs. The ​Absolute Truth

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Fabric of Faith

Parshas Vayakhel

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Golden Intentions

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Work Hard, Rest Harder

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All from Hashem

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The Truly Wealthy Person

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Wise Man

Parshas Pekudei

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A True Oved Hashem

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Nothing Like a Clean ​Impression

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Produced by Eli Podcast Productions

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