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Parshas Bamidbar

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Feed Your Soul, Starve ​Your Ego

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The Master Key for Avodas ​Hashem

Parshas Naso

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The Sparks of Kabbalah

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The Only Things We ​Acquire for Eternity

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The Nazir's Mixed ​Messages

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Enjoying Life

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The Importance of Shalom

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Playing Heart to Get

Parshas Behaaloscha

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Elevate Yourself

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Trusting Hashem

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Consistency Wins the Race

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Driving on Hashem's ​Highway

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Eating Kugel Too Early

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Influence via Isolation

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Does the End Justify the ​Meat?

Parshas Shlach

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Your Spiritual Jackpot

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Positive Attitudes

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Perception Is Reality

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The Main Event: Heart vs. ​Brain

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Perception or Deception

Parshas Korach

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Nuclear Prayer

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True Oved Hashem

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Small Is Big

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The Ability to Influence

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Arguing the Right Way

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True Peace

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Give & Take or the World's ​At Stake

Parshas Chukas

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Intent and Impact

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Snakes and Ladders

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True Reasoning of Mitzvos

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Nature: One Big Optical ​Illusion

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In Good Hands, Always

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Wielding the Yetzer’s ​Secret Weapon

Parshas Balak

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More Than Meets the Eye

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Ability to Decipher ​Hashem's Will

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Using the Opportunities ​We Have

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Objectively Realizing ​Hashem's Will

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Part of a Bigger Plan

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Anger, Your Secret ​Weapon

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Honey for the Soul

Parshas Pinchas

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Partnering with Hashem

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Finding Your Path to ​Hashem

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Kiddush Hashem

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Swimming Against Your ​Current

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There Is More Than Meets ​the Eye

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Unlocking Infinite Rewards

Parshas Matos

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Spiritual Cleansing

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In the Eyes of Hashem and ​Man

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Be Aware You Are Being ​Watched

Parshas Masei

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Pure Motivation

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Life Is Like a Downward ​Escalator

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