Discover the Prism of Torah

Discover the Prism of Torah

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

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Welcome to the home of the 'Prism of Torah' podcast, where Rabbi Asaf Aharon Prisman shares ​weekly Divrei Torah that blend scholarly depth with accessible wisdom. Explore our archive of ​thought-provoking episodes and stay tuned for the upcoming release of Rabbi Prisman's book, ​offering a transformative journey through the spectrum of Jewish teachings

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Uncover the secret behind Pinchas's eternal reward and how it applies to your daily life. A mind-​opening exploration of true divine service!

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Our Story

Our Story

About the Podcast

The "Prism of Torah" podcast emerged from Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman's gatherings with childhood ​friends in Toronto, where he shared divrei Torah over sushi and scotch. Recognizing a divine ​opportunity to spread Torah wisdom, Reb Asaf Aharon transformed these informal talks into a ​weekly commitment to prepare concise yet profound insights into the Parashah and Chagim.

Partnering with Eli Kampf of Eli Podcast Productions, Reb Asaf Aharon evolved the initial email-​based MP3 recordings into a globally accessible podcast. Each episode offers a multifaceted ​exploration, providing a taste of the four main aspects of Torah: Pshat, Remez, Drash, and Sod ​(Pardes).

Join us on this journey of discovery as we uncover layers of Torah wisdom and apply them to ​modern life. Whether you're a longtime listener or new to "Prism of Torah," each episode ​illuminates insights for everyday life, fostering growth in avodas Hashem and Jewish pride.

Our engaging Divrei Torah are packed with stories and practical insights on the Parashah and ​Chagim. Whether you're preparing a dvar Torah, seeking personal growth, or delving into the ​Torah's eternal wisdom, "Prism of Torah" offers something for everyone, helping to illuminate the ​path of Jewish living in the modern world.

About the Host

Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman's Torah journey spans distinguished yeshivas, shaping his unique ​approach to learning that balances depth, clarity, and personal growth. Beginning at Yeshivat Or ​Chaim in Toronto under Rabbi Avishai David, Reb Asaf's path led him to Israel, where he studied at ​Yeshivat Birkat Moshe and Netivot Olam Yeshiva in Bnei Brak.

Under the guidance of Rabbi Yosef Bruk and Rabbi Nachum Diamant, Reb Asaf Aharon honed his ​skills in Gemara, Halacha, and Mussar. Today, he divides his time between learning in Kollel Beis ​Hillel in Ramat Beit Shemesh, teaching a daily Daf Yomi shiur in a local yeshiva, and engaging in ​one-on-one learning sessions with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Reb Prisman's approach, which he calls "Bderech Haovoda" - The path of service, focuses on ​extracting practical applications from Torah study. Through his shiurim, the "Prism of Torah" ​podcast, and book, he strives to make Torah wisdom "Shaveh l'kol nefesh" - equally valuable to ​every soul, enabling listeners to connect with the depth and sweetness of Jewish teachings.

Rabbi Avishai David

Explaining to our generation... contemporary ​concepts [in] language familiar to our world...

Rabbi Tzvi HaKohen Davidovitch

We have witnessed his clear, upright thinking ​and heard his illuminating, wisdom-imparting ​sermons. It is fitting he publishes his ideas for ​those who thirst for Hashem's word.

Rabbi Elimelech Kornfeld

Practical tools that will facilitate our spiritual ​growth.

Rabbi Baruch Taub

The thinking reader can travel this spiritual ​journey, enhancing life with purpose week by ​week.

Rabbi Asher Weiss

This work is replete with pearls of wisdom and ​profound ideas that will undoubtedly ​strengthen the reader's devotion to serving ​Hashem.

The Book

The Book

Prism of Torah: Illuminating Insights for Everyday Life

"Prism of Torah" by Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman is a transformative guidebook for your ​Jewish journey, born from his popular podcast. Organized by weekly Torah Portion, this ​volume offers readers the keys to developing a personal relationship with Hashem through ​Torah, connection to the Jewish People, and character refinement.

Each parashah section features a unique format designed to engage and inspire. It begins ​with a profound message supported by quotes from our Sages, followed by practical ​guidance for applying these teachings in daily life. Wonderful stories from Jewish leaders ​bring these concepts to life, reflecting Torah's foundational values.

Written in clear, eloquent English, "Prism of Torah" is accessible to all, offering practical ​tools for spiritual growth. Whether used to enhance Shabbos table discussions or for ​personal study, this book strengthens Jewish values and aids in the growth of Avodas ​Hashem. As you explore its pages, may you find illumination, inspiration, and a renewed ​connection to the timeless wisdom of Torah.

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The Archive

The Archive

Explore our extensive collection of divrei Torah on the weekly Parsha and Chagim. Each insight offers a multifaceted ​exploration of the Torah, blending traditional commentaries with contemporary relevance. Deepen your learning and ​enhance your practice with Rabbi Asaf Aharon Prisman's unique approach.

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Prism of Torah is dedicated to illuminating insights from the weekly parsha for everyday life.

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Produced by Eli Podcast Productions

Eli Podcast Productions is responsible for technical production only. Content views are solely those of the podcast host and guests.